Enjoy a presenter or guest who provides value for the audience’s time investment.

Finding a great presenter or guest is a challenge. An empty event or guest calendar leaves you feeling unprepared to meet your expectations.

Albert’s an informative, presenter or guest on topics your stakeholders value.

Finding a presenter is tough

Finding a presenter is tough

Is filling your calendar an ongoing challenge?



Stop worrying about your next presenter or guest!

Speaker or guess who brings value

Speaker or guest who brings value

You deserve to have a great speaker or guest who your audience will value.

Selecting a Fast IT Service Provider: A Guide

Download Media Kit

Get the media kit to learn about Albert and how he helps you be prepared for your next speaking event.

What does working with Albert do for your organization?

Focused and concise

Focused and concise

Talks that get right to the point without wasting the audience’s time. Talks with a business perspective. A professional speaker who is committed to providing value to every presentation.

Finding qualified, reliable speakers can be a challenge. Albert can speak on a wide variety of Technology and business-related topics. This means you can fill your speaker calendar and move on to more important things!

Ideal for in-person events, seminars, or workshops

Many speakers are still concerned about attending large group events. Albert is perfectly comfortable with in-person events, seminars, or workshops. Albert can satisfy your stake-holders desire to have in-person events.

Because of Alberts background both as a business leader and a technology expert, your members will learn about new topics that they can bring back to their organizations.

Ideal for in person events
20 years experience

20 years experience

Enhance your organization’s image by having a speaker with 20 years of experience in the subjects covered. Your organization will be sure to grow your reputation by having a true expert in the field speaking to your members.

Get an enjoyable speaker who makes dull subjects interesting. Often technology can be overwhelming to people. Albert is highly skilled at speaking about topics in a way that everyone can learn anderstand. This means your next event will be enjoyable for your stake-holders!

What our Clients Have to Say

Jenkins Group Logo Black

‘‘Thank you again for the very interesting and helpful presentation you made today on how small businesses can set up strategies to protect themselves from cyberattacks. The audience was clearly interested in the topic.

Score Logo

‘‘Albert is a passionate and articulate speaker. Your attendee’s will learn valuable information that they can bring back to their business to make it better.’’

LGG Logo

‘‘Several positive comments on your presentation and a number of good questions from attendees verified its value on a very important business topic.’’

Working with Albert is easy!

Just follow these simple 3 steps to begin working with Albert.


Click the “Schedule Appointment” button 

and schedule an appointment with Albert.


Meet with Albert

and discuss your event.


Enjoy having your calendar slot filled

with a professional speaker who can help your stakeholders.